Berry's Opticians

Uncompromising Eye Care

Excellent service and customer satisfaction is the key to our success. After all, there is no business without you and we want you to know that. From your eye examination to spectacle choice, we offer variety, understanding and advise, to ensure you receive the best experience.

Exceptional Eye Wear

Eyecare and eyewear is constantly evolving. A visit to the Optician is not just about checking your vision on the letter chart. An eye examination is a detailed evaluation of your eyecare needs and also a comprehensive assessment of eye health. Advances in technology allow us to investigate your eyes in greater detail than has ever been possible before.

Berry's Opticians

But my eyes seem fine, why do I need a check up?

The answer to this may surprise many people. Did you know the busiest outpatient department in the whole of the NHS is the eye department (Ophthalmology). An eye examination allows us to detect signs of eye disease for example Cataract and Glaucoma but there are many more sight threatening complications that can be detected during an eye examination. Furthermore, many general health complications such as High Cholesterol, Hypertension, Diabetes and a host of other illnesses can be picked up during your visit.

Eyesight is the sense most people would fear losing the most, but the eyes are also easily overlooked. So be wise...look after your eyes.

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